Many of you have seen the CrossFit Games on ESPN. Every one of those athletes went through the CrossFit Open events to qualify to get there.

The CrossFit Open is a 5 week qualifier for the regional CrossFit competition and ultimately the CrossFit Games.  CrossFit HQ posts a new workout (live) every Thursday starting February 26.  Here’s the kicker…’s literally open to EVERYONE.  Last year alone there were 209,000 people that competed in the Open.

 The Open is best used to be able to see how you stack up against people of your same age, gender, etc. Can even compare against others at local boxes throughout the state.  Also, it’s great for veteran CrossFitters to be able to compare how they did in years past (if they have did the Open previously).

We will be including these WODs into our programming each week, yet to be determined how but most likely Friday.  With opportunities to make up as scheduled with a coach.  We’ll be happy to work with any of you as we can.

An addition to the Open from previous years is a scaled division and two Teen Divisions, neither will allow you to qualify you for Regionals but gives you a category to be able to compare yourself to others doing the same movements/workouts.

Reiterating what was said earlier, literally everyone can try the Open and compete regardless of skill set or experience.   I’m competitive by nature, I compete at everything (ask Savannah it drives her nuts), so I love any competition that I can get involved in.   Reason I do, is because I’m amazed at what I push myself to do when I’m in a competitive environment, not that we aren’t competitive on a day to day basis but knowing your in an Online Competition will really drive you to push just that little bit extra.  Not only that, you get to do it in the comfort of our own box!

I highly encourage everyone to give it a try, however you are by no means obligated.  Regardless you’re going to get to the do the workout or a modified version of the workout.  But for $20 (online entry fee) I think it’s well worth thinking about.

If you have any questions about the Open, or whether you should compete as Rx or Scaled, feel free to message me or catch up with me at the box.

Hope to see several sign up!  And GOOD LUCK!!
