CrossFit Coal – CrossFit


Snatch Balance (2-2-2-2)

Start at about 50% of you max and increase from there. Get a good warmup before snatches

Metcon (No Measure)

5 Min EMOM

2 High Hang Snatches @ 70%

* REST 2 min

5 Min EMOM

2 Hang Snatches @ 75%

* REST 2 Min

5 Min EMOM

2 Low Hang Snatches @ 80%

* REST 2 Min

5 Min EMOM

2 Snatches @ 85%
– % are off Max Snatch

– Snatches are meant to be squat. If you can’t squat then work getting as deep as possible.

– High Hang is from the pocket (hip crease)

– Hang is anywhere between the pocket and the top of the knee

– Low hang is roughly about an inch off the floor